About Me

Respect! My name is Luis M. Casillas.

My hobby in web development and design began in 98. I guess you can say that I am a software engineer by day and a web designing enthusiast by night. I hold a special interest in the recent and "not so recent" web technologies. I also appreciate graphic design, so cool icons and logos ALWAYS grab my attention.

I am extremely passionate about "Football" (not American football), but the most popular sport in the world! My nickname on the pitch is "Figo", as you can imagine it was initially references with Luis Figo (the Portugese phenom) whom we share the same first name. Nonetheless it has stuck ever since.

Currently I captain our football team Africari here in the Bay Area.


I love spending time with my kids and making the most out of the little time we have here. Among other things I enjoy listening to all types of music from all genres. It's all about what mood I may be in and/or allow the music to take me.

Ari and Jae

Ariyanna/Jaedon :

Do not let their beautiful smiles fool you, the energy bottled within can destroy a room in 3.5 seconds:) Seriously, Ariyanna and Jaedon inspire me on a daily basis to one day become their inspiration. Never would I have imagined to take on one of the hardest jobs in the world, and love it so much. More inspiration....

Teresa Casillas - The #1 woman in my life.
Bob Marley - The king of reggae.
Arthur Ashe - A True Hero on and off the court.
Edison (Edson) Arantes do Nascimento
Faustino Asprilla - Columbian football player with style.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley
Skills & Stuff

No more Quad-Grande Caramel Machiatto's :(

The recent economic times has limited my consumption to my morning caffeine fix ala "Quad-Grande Carmel Macchiato". Previously costing me $4.75/day - who knows how much they charge these days. But once I get going I enjoy working on some cool web projects. I like designing web applications utilizing various JavaScript library technologies like JQuery and Ajax to name a few. Below are some of my passions and skills under my belt:

Current unavailable for freelance work.

Web Development Tools:

Web Design Skill Set
me[at]luiscasillas[dot]com luismcasillas[at]gmail[dot]com
Luis Casillas